Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Things I Acquired From Fellow Gods and Goddesses (Post #10)

  • Mikaela (Demeter) - Persephone's parents are Zeus and Demeter and she has many cultural things dedicated to her, like fragrances, publishing, and space.
  • Aryn (Artemis) - Artemis has the ability to change shape and she can send plagues out on humans. I also learned that on here third birthday she was given all the mountains by her father. 
  • Jamie (Apollo) - Apollo defeated Python and created the Delphi games in order to please Gaea. He also 
  • Carly (Hermes) - Hermes created the lyre in which Apollo uses, and in return Apollo gave Hermes a golden staff that could herd cows. 
  • Anna (Raven) - Raven is able to transform into different things, such as a leaf and he stole the sun from a chief and spread it out all over the land.
  • Emma (Frigg) - Frigg has the ability to predict the future and the day of the week, Friday, was named after her. 
  • Hannah (Balder) - Balder's name means prince and the only thing that could kill him was mistletoe. 
  • Molly (Odin) - Odin names means All-Father and he gave up an eye for more knowledge
  • Emily (Loki) - Loki is the one who killed Balder, and he can become different things.
  • Rylee (Freya) - Freya is associated with a group called Vanir and she is the goddess of love, fertility, and beauty.
  • Claire (Thor) - Thor wrestled with the god of time, who was disguised as an old lady at the time, and he names all his accessories
  • Lindsay (Ra) - Ra was considered a mightier god than his father by Nut himself. He also saved the human race, even though he was the one who kinda started the destruction of them.
  • Erin (Set) - Set was the one who killed Osiris and scattered his remains across Egypt. His nephew also overthrew him.
  • Jazlyn (Osiris) - Osiris is green because he is the god of agriculture, and he cannot leave the underworld.
  • Brynn (Isis) - Isis is called the Crone of Death or the Mother of Life, and she made friendships with the human beings on Earth.

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