Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Guanyin and Her Involvement With Rice (Post #2)

One day, Guanyin heard the cries of plea and mercy from some farmers nearby. She went to go investigate what had happened to cause them to cry out. When she arrived, the farmers told her that their rice fields were not growing and they desperately needed it for food to feed themselves and their families. Guanyin didn't need the farmers to tell her what was going on because the fields looked withered and lifeless. She told them that she'd try to help. Later on that evening, Guanyin came back to the rice fields and squeezed some milk out of her breasts onto the plots to give them some nourishment and help them grow. The next day, the farmers say that their fields looked better and healthier than ever before. They thanked Guanyin, and now flourishing rice fields contain the milk from Guanyin.


  1. i liked how your post was to the point, that was nice. I say good job.

  2. You did a very nice job summarizing this myth and including the main details. It was easy to follow and got to the point. Well done.
